Meeting starts promptly at 8am. These are the educational topics and speakers.
"Impact of Mis-Centering on CT Does and Image Quality"
- Courtney Moreno, MD
"What's Important with Diagnostic Display Systems"
- Paul Carothers
"CT Cystography, Best Practices"
- Gayatri Joshi, MD
"Critical Findings and Communication"
- Taki Zaidi, MD
Once the business meeting and education are complete for the day, it will be followed by a meeting for all members interested in learning more about or helping with the 2018 Student/Educator/RT Seminar in March. There will be pizza for all those who stay for this meeting. This session will last an hour or less.
Address: P.O. Box 570696, Atlanta, GA 30357-2985
Copyright; Atlanta Society of Radiologic Technologists, Inc.