Atlanta Society of Radiologic Technologists, Inc.

The Atlanta Society of Radiologic Technologists, Inc.:


Has established the JUDITH K. WILLIAMS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND to assist radiologic science students in pursuing their professional education and technologists in pursuing specialty certification or other continuing education. The scholarship is meant to assist members of the Atlanta Society of Radiologic Technologists, Inc.

In 2021, the Society also established the MARILYN KAY GILDER SCHOLARSHIP FUND, specifically for radiologic sciences students who are also active members of the Atlanta Society and the Georgia Society of Radiologic Technologists. The scholarship is meant to assist members of the Atlanta Society of Radiologic Technologists, Inc.

The Society is accepting scholarship applications for both of the above scholarships for this Society year.  The applicant must be a member of the Society and Georgia Society of Radiologic Technologists, Inc.(if not already a member, by April 1, 2024) and the scholarship application must be postmarked by April 1, 2025.  We will award $500.00 scholarships to students at our Spring 2025 meeting on May 17, 2025.


The following documents are below at :

       - Application for each scholarship

       - Checklist for completing the scholarship portfolio


Please contact Board Chair, Ron Gilbert if you have any questions.

Email completed applications to:



Scholarship Appl 2023_Williams.docx.pdf

Gilder Scholarship App.docx.pdf

Scholarship Checklist_both.docx.pdf


Address: P.O. Box 570696, Atlanta, GA 30357-2985





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